headache — head|ache [ˈhedeık] n 1.) a pain in your head ▪ I had a really bad headache , and couldn t go to work. a splitting/pounding headache (=a very bad headache) 2.) informal a problem that is annoying or difficult to deal with >headachy adj ▪ a… … Dictionary of contemporary English
headache */ — UK [ˈhedeɪk] / US [ˈhedˌeɪk] noun [countable] Word forms headache : singular headache plural headaches 1) a pain in your head I ve got a splitting headache (= an extremely bad headache). give someone a headache: The noise was giving her a… … English dictionary
headache — head|ache [ hed,eık ] noun count * 1. ) a pain in your head: I have a splitting headache (=an extremely bad headache). give someone a headache: The noise was giving her a headache. 2. ) INFORMAL something that causes you a lot of problems:… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
bad — adj., n., & adv. adj. (worse; worst) 1 inferior, inadequate, defective (bad work; a bad driver; bad light). 2 a unpleasant, unwelcome (bad weather; bad news). b unsatisfactory, unfortunate (a bad business). 3 harmful (is bad for you). 4 (of food) … Useful english dictionary
headache — noun (C) 1 a pain in your head: splitting headache (=a very bad headache) 2 informal an annoying or worrying problem: Censorship was a constant headache for Soviet newspapers. headachy adjective: a headachy feeling … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
headache*/ — [ˈhedeɪk] noun [C] 1) a pain in your head I had a bad headache yesterday.[/ex] 2) informal something that causes you a lot of problems … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
bad news — [n] trouble bind, bother, concern, danger, deep trouble, difficulty, dilemma, dire straits, disappointment, distress, grief, headache*, hindrance, hot water*, inconvenience, mess, misfortune, nuisance, pain, predicament, problem, struggle,… … New thesaurus
headache — noun 1 pain in the head ADJECTIVE ▪ bad, chronic, severe, terrible ▪ mild, slight ▪ dull ▪ … Collocations dictionary
headache — n. 1) to have a headache 2) a bad, racking, severe, splitting; migraine; sick (esp. AE); slight headache * * * [ hedeɪk] migraine racking severe slight splitting sick (esp. AE) … Combinatory dictionary
bad — adj. 1 not good; serious VERBS ▪ be, look, sound ▪ get ▪ The weather got very bad later in the day. ADVERB ▪ … Collocations dictionary
headache — Synonyms and related words: MS, ache, aching, ado, aggravation, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, angina, annoyance, anxiety, backache, bad news, bane, bedevilment, bellyache, besetment, bore, bother, botheration, bothersomeness, brain disease,… … Moby Thesaurus